Wednesday, April 22, 2009

See: where I come from, you gotta be about it

Sean Badgley's pledge to you: Whatever I write & whenever I write; it is with the explicit purpose of entertaining you, the reader, with an emotionally evocative and high quality product.~S

It's been a long while since we've last mind linked. It's been a while since I entertained you enough to lower your shields and laugh, therefore identifying with my struggle. Worry not...I missed it to. So why did it take so long? Why did I leave you all in a moral malaise, unable to relate or consult an authority on your ethical ambiguity. Well, I was finishing my book. But also, I've been looking into it. (For better comprehension of the following discussion, please review Wheezy's classic from the Carter II, Talkin' About it) See I think that most people are really just talkin' bout it. That is to say, they all conform to whatever morality choice they make, but ultimately they don't live their choice. I wanted to be a more moral person...but in a way that really rare. In other words, I don't just wanna be talkin' 'bout being righteous...

I wanted to get on the streets with it.

So, I feel like I've been fighting and battling and loosing ever since. It's like evil's all down for the grind, but once a guy decides upon a new path it's nothing but war. Is this how the rebels felt? I always felt that the empire treated the Rebel Alliance as if they were a minor and greatly underestimated inconvenience. Now I see that the Galactic Empire was out for blood, and the rebels simply had a better HR department...Where's the real life equivalent? Where's the benefit? I think the reason I didn't do a lot of good is b/c I don't tend to feel that warm tingly feeling I've heard described so many times.

So am I on the streets with it?

I dunno. I've made my peace with certain ne’er-do-wells on both sides of the equation. I've learned that if you think you owe someone an inch, then they become your ruler. Also, apparently engaging in occasional and infrequent nudity is not a crime, no matter how dedicated the prosecutor. These above items sound vague and they're meant to, take their general meaning and apply them to your own life. I'm not here to educate, just to try to do right even though I don't care much for it and also to ramble about said doing right. Maybe that solution or status update lacks sophistication, but then again, I'm not really tryin to talk 'bout it.