Saturday, January 17, 2009

Introduction; The Journey to the Council of Good

In our everyday lives it can be simple, easy and convenient to fall into the monotony of our existence. However, at every moment and in virtually every situation we are surrounded by choices of ethics and morality. How we make these choices eventually dictates the sorts of people we become. Some choose martyrdom, constantly sacrificing for others at the direct expense of their own self-interest (or so they would have you believe). Another segment of our population chooses the constant pursuit of their own well being, often at the expense of those around them. What I am refering to is the battle of Good and Evil.

Yet is it fair to really describe the dynamic between the righteous and wicked as a 'battle'? These people some times clash; however, usually only by some other outside circumstance. I think good and evil end up getting along much more frequently. The two groups have complimentary skills. One has the audacity to get things done and the other possesses the credibility to maintain the façade of virtue. I think this is because there are so many complimentary personality aspects of those who are good and those who endeavor in evil.

A side note: If you are uncomfortable with the completely arbitrary process by which some are labeled good and others evil, then I suspect you are likely evil.

So if we agree that good and evil are not necessarily rivals but rather modes of being, then we can put aside this idea of a constant raging battle on Earth and simply accept that we know evil and good as a reality of our common experience.
That being said, do you have any friends that are really great people? Who are generous and caring and giving? Any friends who's advice helps you navigate the miasma of morality in a fundamentally Darwinist society? What about someone who will listen to your confession of a dire sin and reply with a kind smile and wise words?

This is your council of Good.

Do you have any friends you go to the bars with.... like too much? Any friends who always be down to exploit a situation with you, or even lead you into it? Do you have any friends who you love getting intoxicated with but when you leave to take a piss you wonder if they're jacking your stuff? What about someone who will listen to your most dire sin and reply with a laugh and a follow up story of their own?

This is your council of Evil.

This topic will be explored further, but the essential reason for this blog is to explore the topic and help out a friend. My friend, BJ Gambrel, is currently not being naked for a year, but it’s about more than that for him. BJ is a warm, funny, and generally flaky fellow who's unfathomable good nature earned him a quick place on my council of Good. BJ sees not being naked as a way to transcend his apathy and reach new heights of artistic exploration. I think he is on to something, and encourage you to read his (much lighter and less offensive) blog.

So then why am I engaging in this process? Because BJ asked for my support artistically (we're both writers) and I agreed. I realized after asking around that I am not on anyone's council of good. Although, I did have a certain satisfaction about being a number of people's evil chairman (more on that later), I decided that this blog will be dedicated to me attempting to make it onto someone's righteous council. Will I succeed? I don't know, but BJ wants to beat his apathy and I want to be a little more decent.

I will launch my supportive project one day after my birthday (Jan. 25) so in the meantime I have some fires to start and charities to defraud. More to come

"Morality is simply the attitude we take against those we don't like," Oscar Wilde


  1. in my attempt to stay updated with your journey, it asked me to "follow" your blog. ew.
    but alas, in my quest to stay informed about your mission, in keeping with my lazy fashion, i had to become your first "follower"
    (it makes me feel like either a mindless patsy or a level one contemporary anthropological observer (read: stalker)) sigh...
    so cheers mate! let the adventure begin!

  2. Is it possible for a friend to reside on both councils? Or is it myself subscribing to another's evil council.
